序号 标准号 标准名称 状态 发布日期 实施日期 操作
1 KS A 7264 호흡운동 분석 기반 인지부하 평가방법 现行 2024-04-22 购买 下载
2 JIS Q 27701:2024 Security techniques -- Extension to JIS Q 27001 and JIS Q 27002 for privacy information management -- Requirements and guidelines 现行 2024-04-22 购买 下载
3 JIS L 1030-2-1:2024 Testing methods for quantitative analysis of fibre mixtures -- Part 2-1: General principles of testing 现行 2024-04-22 购买 下载
4 JIS L 1030-2-2:2024 Testing methods for quantitative analysis of fibre mixtures -- Part 2-2: Method of quantitative analysis by manual separation 现行 2024-04-22 购买 下载
5 JIS L 1030-2-3:2024 Testing methods for quantitative analysis of fibre mixtures -- Part 2-3: Methods of quantitative chemical analysis 现行 2024-04-22 购买 下载
6 JIS L 1030-2-4:2024 Testing methods for quantitative analysis of fibre mixtures -- Part 2-4: Method by determining nitrogen content 现行 2024-04-22 购买 下载
7 JIS L 1030-2-5:2024 Testing methods for quantitative analysis of fibre mixtures -- Part 2-5: Methods of quantitative chemical analysis of Ternary fibre mixtures 现行 2024-04-22 购买 下载
8 JIS L 1030-2-6:2024 Testing methods for quantitative analysis of fibre mixtures -- Part 2-6: Method of quantitative analysis by microscopy method 现行 2024-04-22 购买 下载
9 JIS G 1229-1:2024 Iron and steel -- Determination of lead -- Part 1: Lead molybdate gravimetric method after precipitated as lead sulfide 现行 2024-04-22 购买 下载
10 JIS G 1229-2:2024 Iron and steel -- Determination of lead -- Part 2: Spectrophotometric method after solvent extraction of iron and extraction of diphenylthiocarbazone complex 现行 2024-04-22 购买 下载
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