序号 标准号 标准名称 状态 发布日期 实施日期 操作
1 IEC 60061:1952 EN-FR International recommendations regarding lamp caps and holders together with gauges for the control of interchangeability REVISED 1952-01-01 购买 下载
2 ISO/R 1:1951 EN 标题丢失 遗留纸质文件 废止 1951-01-01 购买 下载
3 ISO/R 2:1951 EN 标题丢失 遗留纸质文件 废止 1951-01-01 购买 下载
4 IEC 60028:1925 EN-FR International standard of resistance for copper 现行 1925-01-01 购买 下载
5 ISO 15614-1:2017/FDAmd 2 EN Specification and qualification of welding procedures for metallic materials — Welding procedure test — Part 1: Arc and gas welding of steels and arc welding of nickel and nickel alloys — Amendment 2 废止 购买 下载
6 ISO/IEC PRF TR 19583-2 EN Information technology — Concepts and usage of metadata — Part 2: Metadata usage 废止 购买 下载
7 ISO/PRF 9897-1 EN Freight containers — Container equipment data exchange (CEDEX) — Part 1: General communication codes for general purpose containers 废止 购买 下载
8 ISO/PRF 9897-2 EN Freight containers — Container equipment data exchange (CEDEX) — Part 2: Refrigerated containers 废止 购买 下载
9 ISO/PRF 9897-5 EN Freight containers — Container equipment data exchange (CEDEX) — Part 5: General communication codes for container chassis 废止 购买 下载
10 ISO/PRF 9897-6 EN Freight containers — Container equipment data exchange (CEDEX) — Part 6: Message sets for data transfer between local computer and host computer 废止 购买 下载
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